<p><span style="font-weight: 700; font-family: Nunito, "Open Sans"; font-size: 14px;">INGREDIENTS: </span>Veppilakatti Chammanthi,Veppilakatti Chutney (Balls) <b>Wild lemon leaves (Vadugapuli narangathilai).</b> handful of curry leaves is also used in this dish. The mixture of red chillies, green chilly, hing and tamarind. These will be pounded almost fine. Finally, the leaves are added to it and pounded together. This will be done in batches. Pounding will release some juice from the leaves and salt. The spice and leaf mixture will be transferred to a big vessel and mixed well. Then it is made into balls and stored in air tight container. </p><p><span style="font-weight: 700; font-family: Nunito, "Open Sans"; font-size: 14px;">HOW TO USE: </span>It is best eaten as a side-dish for Thayir Sadham (curd rice) and ho