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Kumkumadi Thailam
Kumkumadi Thailam
Kumkumadi Thailam

Kumkumadi Thailam

  • ₹380

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    INGREDIENTS: Key ingredient in Kumkumadi thailom is saffron ,sandalwood and various other herbs.

    HOW TO USE: Kumkumadi Thailam an ayurvedic herbal oil for facial massage .Good oil to treat dry and flaky skin.

    SHELF LIFE: Kumkumadi oil stays 12 months.

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    Kumkumadi Thailam Order Online Massage oil for skin 

    Kumkumadi Thailam is an ayurvedic herbal oil for facial massage. This is a wonderful miracle oil is used for treatment of beauty problems. This ayurvedic herbal oil is helpful to improve skin texture, complexion fades dark circles, black spots, scars and marks. Kumkumadi Thailam is used to help skin look young and healthy.

    Kumkumadi Thailam - Kumkumathi Tailam / Kumkumadi Thailam A classical Ayurveda preparation

    • Improves skin complexion and texture.
    • Relieves blemishes, acne, acne scars, white and blackheads, dark circle, sun tans, wrinkles.
    • It has both cleansing and nourishing effect on the skin.
    • It has anti ageing qualities.
    • Adds radiance to the skin.
    • Removes scars, pimples, blemishes and wrinkles.
    • Useful in suntan.
    • Makes skin radiant and beautiful.

    How to use Kumkumadi Tailam ?

    • Wash and Clean your face
    • Gently roll this over your face
    • Do a gentle massage with your fingers.
    • Leave it for 10 – 20 minutes.
    • Wash off with water.
    • Use only at night
    • Do not apply soap after using this.

    Note: After applying kumkumadi, don't go under direct sunlight.

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    Tags: Kumkumadi Thailam, ayurvedic products, skin care, health and wellness, face care, face skin, glow skin

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